Sunday, 20 November 2011

Why do we limit our expectations?

I've been struck with a question this weekend: do we often set our expectations too low, therefore limiting what we can do? I've never though about it like that. I often set my expectations lower so I don't set myself up for a fall. I'm now beginning to wonder if I am diminishing the work that God has called me to do due to the fear I have of failing?

Failing is something I have always been afraid of since a very young age and I have often given up things I loved doing because I wasn't the best at it or something went wrong just once! I have also noticed that others expectations of myself have been higher than I feel I am able to achieve so I just back off completely.

God doesn't put limitations on us and his works in us because he doesn't want to keep us in a box. He allows us space and room to grow in him! He will also never forsake us or put us through things we are unable to handle as He gives us strength and is always with us.

So how can I apply this to me and my life?
I can set the expectations I have for myself that bit higher to allow God to work in me and challenge me in order to grow spiritually. I can also stop setting expectations I have for others because I am otherwise limiting what they can do.

So this is the challenge that I am going to set myself, I feel this is something that I have been challenged with by God. This probably isn't going to be an easy road as old habits die hard and I am afraid of not being enough, but with the strength and grace of God I trust that I am ready for the journey and he will be with me every step of the way!

Monday, 24 October 2011

Identity crisis

Recently I've been feeling a little out of sorts! It's been a very busy couple of months and it's just felt like I haven't had time to just stop. It's become apparent that over the last few months I haven't been spending time with God, I've been filling my time with serving God at various church activities but almost forgetting to include Him in the things I do! It's a little messed up when you think about it, I've been doing all this stuff for God but I've not been doing it with his strength!

During our Sunday morning service at church this week I realised that I have been filling all my spare time with extra things at church because I have forgotten how to spend time in God's presence. It seemed easier to just keep saying yes to various tasks so I could avoid the elephant in the room, however during the service I realised that without spending time with God my fire and passion for doing his work was slowly burning out and I was finding it more of a chore.

I know this isn't what God wants for me, and that he wants me to spend time with Him and to learn from His word! The question I find myself asking is: how can I get back to that place I used to be with God?

I think what has been saying to us as a church is that we need to put less emphasis on filling our time with different agendas but we jus need to wait on Him! We need to jus spend time in his presence, whether that be by reading His word, listening to worship music or having a conversation with Him! I feel at the moment that God is telling me that I need to re-assess who I am in Him and find out what my identity is in Him!

The scary part I now face is facing my fear and learning to spend time with God again and to do this I need to be more disciplined and not just find excuses to avoid it! I'm going to read my bible more often, switch listening to more Christian music and just start enjoying God again!

This is a challenge that I don't set myself lightly and I'm not saying that it's going to be fixed over night, but it's a starting point and a step that I need t take in my Christian walk.

Can also challenge any of you that are feeling like this to just try and spend some time with God he's the willing and waiting for us!